Sunday, June 20, 2010

My first baby, Greyson, is now 5!


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Greyson had his 5th birthday party at the Gymnastics gym with his friends and family and had a blast! They were bouncing all over the place having a great time! I was exhausted but it was so worth it to see all the smiles. My baby, my little boy, is getting so big. Ready for another great year!

Monday, April 26, 2010

4 kiddos.... I need longer nap times please!!

We had the boys, Wesley and Vincey, overnight on Friday and played in the sunshine on Saturday morning.  All 4 of them have a ton of energy, it is hard to keep up!  Greyson, Wesley and Dave went for a bike ride and the small fries stayed with me and we went for a wagon ride....  They had a great time and so did I.  I love those kiddos!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bouncing off the wall on a Saturday

Unfortunately Megan was sick on Saturday morning, but we went ahead with the Bouncing plans anyway, leaving Megan behind with Dad.  We met up with our friends Jack and Ace and Greyson played for a bit before a Costco adventure...  Here are a couple pictures.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday morning and playdough

Megan is having a blast playing playdough at the table this morning while her brother and Dad are upstairs playing "Army camp" which is what Greyson has now named his room.  Pretty funny.  A lazy Sunday with no plans but to have no plans. 

We went for a little hike yesterday...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More silly faces....

The kids are very entertained by making silly faces and have a great sense of humor... here are a few pictures to enjoy and the big kid too!  :-)

Megan and Logan

Last weekend we got to play with our friend Logan at Ponderosa Elementry.  It was a lot of fun. Dave played with his friend Sev, I played with my friend Heather and Greyson got some bike riding in.  Megan and Logan had a great time on the slides.  We love playing with our friends!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Megan is now officially 2

Our little girl is 2!  Thanks to everyone that joined us to celebrate, and for those that couldn't make it, we missed you!  It was a lot of fun.  The kids were running around like crazy, having a blast, and the adults were talking up a storm.  It was a great day!  Here are some pictures from the party...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Megan's Birthday Week

Since Megan is only 2 this year I have decided to let her open the presents if they are given to her throughout the week to see if I can minimize the melt down caused by too many gifts at her party on Saturday. Here is the first Birthday Week Picture.  A super cute shopping cart with pretend food from our friend Laura.  It was an instant hit!!  Laura and family could not make it to the party but made Megan very happy - we will miss them on Saturday. :-(  

Greyson and his track

Greyson and Dave have made a BMX track in the yard and have been outside playing every chance they can.  Greyson is getting very skilled at manuvering around rocks and perfecting his balance.  He is loving it!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Bon Jovi trip...

I was privileged enough to see Bon Jovi in concert, thanks to my Mom and Phil, for my 30th Birthday present.  I could not have asked for a more awesome gift!  It was so awesome!!!  I had a blast - Thanks Mom and Phil!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mom's gone again....

Here are the kids left with Dad again while I went to Seattle for the Bon Jovi concert..... again lots of water, a little dirt and enough risk to give Mom a heart attack.  That is why these adventures happen when I am gone!  :-)  Kids had a blast though as usual.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Silly faces

Here are the kiddos goofing around after dinner last week. They were pretty funny and of course very very cute....

Came across our sledding pictures from early January... pretty cute. Kids had fun for the first 10 minutes or so then Greyson crashed hard and that was it for him. No more sledding just digging and laying in the snow. He had fun - I was happy!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mud bath

Here is how the kids spent the afternoon on Saturday while I visited with my dear friend Laura and our baby Adalie :-) Way more mud then Mom would ever allow.... guess that's why we have Dads.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can't believe it is almost February

January is almost over and February is right around the corner... can't believe how time flies. Megan is going to be 2 in almost a month and Greyson... well he is 4 1/2 going on 14. I recently turned 30 and am unsure of how I got here. It seems like yesterday that Dave and I were treating our dogs as our babies and living life on an hour to hour basis. Now it is pre-planned and centered around two very small, opinionated, demanding, but oh so cute, minature people. What a ride!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Sing along

Greyson and Santa after the run down of his wish list
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Christmas 2009

Opening presents on Christmas morning
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First blog entry

Here it is... a first blog entry. I was giving all my girlfriends a hard time that they hadn't set up a blog to share the excitement and pictures of their little ones, all the while not having one myself. So here you go - a blog. We'll see how up to date I can keep it. :-) I will do my best -